(observed at the mind)
We are good or not
could be observed at our mind.
Sinners have a dark mind,
but good people have a clear and bright mind,
and always being rejoiced.
Malice think and speak,
make our mind easy to darken.
So, do not be careless, keep the mind inside.
When our mind rejoiced,
merit transform into Para Mi/prestige or good habit,
which is powerful to eradicate demerit,
defeating difficulty.
Life changes rapidly, being superb and respectful.
People ready to save and to protect.
Being a good person is easy,
only keep your mind always inside,
not careless leaving your mind travels outside.
Staying still inside is very great happy.
Outside happiness is tiny,
likely as a little firefly.
Inner happiness received from merit
that Nirvana sent to,
flowing through the body.
The outer happiness is not called happiness,
called fun obsession,
to indulge his mind with sin.
Good people is intellectual, faithful, right viewed,
respectful, grateful, patient, sincere.
And is resolute, expecting
to attain the clear Dhammakaya inside our body,
or the inner Triple Gems.
Good people, their nobility is merit
and accelerate to create prestige/Para Mi,
to be a refuge for the people
to escape disaster in life cycle.
His family was happy with living on solitude.
Living a life humble, but do not fall back on merit.
Good people are the solitudinarian,
who have taken the taste of dhamma,
being happy so deep ..the mind departs from passion.
As so, the mind stop still inside and the merit flows in,
couple with fate and prestige/Para mi.
Stop is the success and the amazing victory,
didn't think it would be so easy.
Success and victory endeavored seeking almost die,
it's easy, to just stop your mind.
All the good we do
to sustain our mind to stop,
which has pleasure, the culmination of the problem.
As so, celibacy is necessary to eliminate
the five hindrances of meditation.