วันจันทร์ที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2561

EXCUSE (ล้างบาป):: We will have no clue when we die. We will die, without knowing the date, time, place, or the exact cause.


We will have no clue
when we die.
We will die,
without knowing the date,
time, place, or the exact cause.

We all have to die ,
certainly, so let nothing
obstruct us,from
training our mind
to be still and stop.

To make excuse
is not reasonable.
When we have less Boon,
we have more obstacles,
That is simple and logical.

Life after death
is dangerous, unimaginably,
the tiny quantity of water,
of the big river flowing,
 passing through needle pore,
to reborn as humankind.
Other go down to lower realm.


