วันเสาร์ที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2561

SUBSISTENT (พอประทังชีวิต):: Money is hazardous, the enticement of Mara. Mara,is the culprit of suffering, the enemy of Phra.


Money is hazardous,
the Mara enticement,
Mara the culprit of suffering,
the enemy of Phra.

Phra fight Mara,
 to retrieve creature,
from low realm to heaven,
and Nirvana.

Money is, the most, supportive
sensual desire, the passion.
Mankind is under delusion of the world,
as like as fish and water.

So being delusive,
refuse the middle path,
the good path,
and behave inhumanity.

Money or thing,
is the insatiable material,
greedy, voracious, gluttonous.
Passion is the essence of suffering.

Money and fire is similar,
It is dangerous for baby to play,
but, very helpful for living.

Money, great benefit,
is for lessening passion
by transforming into Boon.
They are sacrificing, donating,
supporting family, helping,
and for the future secure.

Money could not,
be used extravagantly,
or greedily,
could only be subsistent.
Because, generosity is
the essence of wealth.


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