วันพุธที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2561

THE REFUGE (ที่พึ่ง):: The best refuge isn't anything else, but, our habits. Don't waste time looking outward.


The best refuge
isn't anything else,
but, our habits.
Don't waste time looking outward.

The outside,
only temporary refuge,
not materialize,
could not follow us after death.

Habits is as like as,
mother following her baby,
in every pace, to protect,
with all her heart.

Or, habits is as like as
our shadow,
following us

Habits, the best refuge,
but, out of interesting,
is as grasses
at cow-pen door.

Three major habits,
generosity, compassion
and kindness.

They are
the state of mind,
soft/gentle, clean/clear
and bright.

Giving to be generous,
observing precepts to be
and meditating to be kind,

Habits are perfections,
pursuing Boon to create
doing Barb to create Kilesa/defilement.

So, doing merit,
 helping others,
is to build
ourselves refuge.

The Middle Path,
the path of saving,
in which
the Triple Gems dwells.


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