วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2561

DEATH FISH (ปลาตาย):: Life is traveling, up or down, up against impurity and down along sensual desire.


Life is traveling,
up or down,
up against impurity and 
down along sensual desire.

Alive fish swims
against stream,
death fish flowing along.

Almost people
flow along stream of mass,
 to the sea of suffering.

  Swimming up stream,
means only along
the Middle Path,
otherwise, being illusionary.

The absolute Middle Path,
runs through the Seventh Base,
 to the destination,
the Triple Gems.

Creatures hang around 31 realms,
non stop traveling,
repetitiously, so long
long time, unimaginably.

On the happy realms,
the heaven and Brahma realm,
the realm of entertaining,
being still
not realizing real life.

Human world only,
could cultivate merit,
but so short period,
is as a sparkle of fire wood.

The awaring of life
and believing in,
is so great,
the unimaginable person.


