วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2561

THREE PROPERTIES (สมบัติสาม) :: Three properties, asset, figure and qualification, are lied completely along the Middle Path.


Three properties,
asset, figure and qualification,
or, wealth, health and wisdom,
are lied completely
along the Middle Path.

It's beyond imagination,
giving to get asset,
forgiving to get figure,
and forgetting to get 

Giving, forgiving and forgetting,
the Middle Path,
the path of goodness,
the path of merit,
the path of Boon.

Boon is the fruit
of merit/goodness,
the magic power,
the pure power,
behind happiness and success.

is the great virtue
for traveling along
the Middle Path,
overcoming any problems.

Patient means,
non-fighting, non-escaping,
continuing doing good,
especially meditating/forgetting.

Giving means,
giving by heart of mercy,
respect, gratitude
and faith.

Forgiving means,
observing the Five Precepts,
feeling compassionate,
avoiding to harm any creatures.

Forgetting means,
laying down the world,
not attaching,
being free from passion,
setting the mind at body's center,
the meditation.

 The exact Middle path,
the path of the mind/self,
runs through Dhamma sphere,
at the seventh base.

Otherwise would be delusive,
not reaching nirvana
and the Triple Gems,
Dhammakaya body.


