วันพุธที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2561

STOPPING (หยุดเป็นตัวสำเร็จ):: To be successful in the material world and the spiritual world, stopping is the first thing to do.


To be successful
in the material world
and the spiritual world,
stopping is the first thing to do.

To write a book,
one has to grasp 
a pen and a paper firmly,
before starting to write.

to drive a car,
one has to stop
staring the engine.

When in search
of a solution,
start with stopping
and stilling the mind.

This will help you
to see
the root course
of the problem.

The mind
will travel back
to the source of wisdom
and be able to solve it,
softly, creatively, and effectively.


