วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2562

GREEDINESS (the culprit) :: Happiness, success, and victory, these are the utmost need for human, struggling hard to possess, but, being hard to get.

(the culprit)
Happiness, success, and victory,
these are the utmost need for human,
struggling hard to possess,
but, being hard to get.
Owing to, greediness is contrary
to giving.
Actually, you get what you give,
of which the mind stay still inside,
clear, bright, and exulted.
Perseverance, intelligence,
and responsibility happening,
earn a living successful,
and completed with advantages
of both self and others.
Being a good person
is to be generous and
good people associated,
traveling along:
giving, forgiving and forget.
Lead mass far from misery.
Almost people uninterested in
greediness is the culprit,
they are only alerted of gaining,
it is the beast habitual of silly born,
and struggle possessed.
Because of mind is so dark,
so absorbed sensual matters,
the more gain-the more thirsty
and indulgent,
merit rejected
and demerit indulged.
Earn a living contentedly,
to sensual desire terminated,
the leftover, whether more or less,
is for helping.
Live contentedly is
 way of the monk, the exemplar.
Or layman life of being honest to spouse,
  heaven would come to the family.
Contention is always blissful,
not attach to,
possession is only possessed,
becoming only become.
Self matter laid down,
but public help interested in,
responsible, equanimity deserted.
Religion, utmost protected,
 desert equanimity,
lead mass uphold Five Precepts,
take patience in all might,
and meditate supreme.


