วันเสาร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2562

HUSBAND ABSURD (overlook virtuous wife) :: Our body compared to a wife who beloved most, even though, lack of beauty and purity.

(overlook virtuous wife)

Our body compared to a wife 
who beloved most,
even though, lack of
beauty and purity.
Could not abandon
till the last day of life,
nourishing with all needs,
but eventually, take apart.
Asset is also be looked
as a beloved wife,
but be absurd,
don't care about right or wrong,
 work blindly.
She is prompt to leave
Capability compared to a wife,
so smart to manage
work job,
with her intelligence.
Husband dependent on,
followed her steps,
 she who is a beloved one,
 who must be availed,
but hardly come to close,
because of emotionalism.
Virtuousness compared
to a slave wife,
who supports and protects
but amazingly, her husband
look over.
Body is the most beloved,
but, eventually died
and broke up,
let a living lonely.
Asset, the worldly matter,
is only temporary,
but cared too much.
The worldly capability,
soaked with sensual desire,
contributing rude and rough demerit,
and inducing down to hell.
Virtuousness, the best wife,
to be beautiful,
pretty, pure and bright,
amazingly, be looked over,
even she is good as an angel.
Even more, she comes after
to take care after death,
while traveling Samsara.
She is the top of
virtuous person followed
 to protect a life,
so pity, her husband absurd.


