( to success and victory)
( to success and victory)
The one word of success
and victory is patience,
means: not fight/not escape/
and persisting
and persisting
doing good.
problems originate
in the mind and
projecting to outside.
the key
defeating the problems.
This is the secret
of nature.
the two culprit,
fight each other in the mind.
The mind is the real war field.
The mind is the real war field.
is not easy for
the new one,
to take patience.
So, virtuous friend
comes to life and leads,
Not fight means
not destroy/not encroach.
Not escape means
stay still in unity and mercy.
Persisting doing good
means: not doing evils,
doing good, and
purifying mind.
By methods:
speak good, do good,
Precepts observed,
proper consumption,
sit and sleep in good place,
and meditation persevered.
So, life is traveling
along the Middle Path,
to survive and to be prosperous,
to succeed and to be happy.
So, virtuous friend
comes to life and leads,
Not fight means
not destroy/not encroach.
Not escape means
stay still in unity and mercy.
Persisting doing good
means: not doing evils,
doing good, and
purifying mind.
By methods:
speak good, do good,
Precepts observed,
proper consumption,
sit and sleep in good place,
and meditation persevered.
So, life is traveling
along the Middle Path,
to survive and to be prosperous,
to succeed and to be happy.