วันจันทร์ที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

LIFE SPIRIT NEEDED (happiness and successful):: Motor car, petrol used, men,spirit used to go to prosperity.

(happiness and successful)

Motor car, petrol used,
men, spirit used
to go forward
to prosperity.
Spirit, immortal water,
magic mind powerfulness,
wealth, health and happiness
fulfilled completely.
Spirit, the water of sacrificing,
the water of greed eradicated.
of the benevolent person
who be loved.
Many many loved friends,
are ready to help
to relieve suffering,
to support to contribute eagerly.
Organ sacrificed,
to anger released,
for no anger and to be forgive,
it's great giver,
equal to life sacrificed
for morality restored.
Resulted, magic power happened,
defeating illness and danger.
Body strength perfect and great,
so splendid beyond humanity.
Sacrificing life and bad thought,
resulted, darkness in the mind
brightness of wisdom coming instead.
Magic water happened,
defeating harmful Kilesa/defilement,
splendid enlightenment occurring,
 with a lot of magic power.
On conclusion,
it's the way of the right view,
should get along,
give, forgive and forget,
the middle path.
But, the wrong view,
refute to follow,
go along opposite path,
the low path,
the path of fun.
They are also got assets,
but, the bait of Mara,
to catch bully,
the wrong view.
They are pulled, down to hell,
but refute to escape
and not afraid,
because of Mara gambit,
the darkness or ignorance.


