วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

NEGLECT GIVING (die sure) :: Life needs generosity indeed, bored and bored, too worried, unbearable.

(die sure)

Make a living could not
neglect giving,
otherwise, die sure.
Life needs generosity indeed,
if not,
bored and bored, too worried,
Neglecting generosity,
living is as die,
could not be comfortable,
anxious, sleepless, uneadible,
as if hell inside.
So, ways seeked to relieve,
and always down to sensual desire.
 Fun needed,
intoxicant is so dangerous,
wrong view in deep
and abandoning the Triple Gems,
 transformed to dangerous bully,
before dipping to hell.
Generosity got from giving,
must be recognizable for
to encourage commitment.
Take care relatives
and friends.
Good relation committed,
life secured.
Generosity causes
responsibility emerged,
of work, relatives and friend.
All six directions of
 friends are nourished,
so happy received, absolutely.
Generosity is adorable,
and more than that is
respectable and faithful.
Being idolized of public,
is dignified and needs fulfilled
and perfections created.
Sincerity, is never eaten up,
insincerity, without giving,
 eaten up soon.
Generosity is as bank saving,
with a lot benefit,
never eaten up forever.
Generosity, is respect recognized,
gracious behave,
 others goodness accepted,
of which, carelessness is precautionary.
Behavioral beauty is charm.
The most generosity is revere,
to be obedient, bright, 
merit confident, brave
 and leads
directing to Triple Gems.
Love respect and revere,
 are of generosity or merit.
They come from
 give forgive and forget.


