วันเสาร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2564

THE WORLD IS A DRAMA (REFLECTING KARMA CONSEQUENCE) There is no happiness in this world. Happiness is only in virtue, along the middle way of merit patronage. Worldly happiness, I repeat, no.


There is no happiness in this world.
Happiness is only in virtue,
along the middle way of merit patronage.
Worldly happiness, I repeat, no.

Be called worldly happiness,
you should know, it's only a pleasure.
It's like in a dream ascending
to heaven of sleepwalking,
wake up and sit raving.

That's what called Anijang/Impermanent-
Its not real, it's just a drama.
It's not fulfillment. It's the haze.
It's beautiful, but it's just a hallucination.

Whoever figured it out was very good at it,
will be bored, lust loosening.
Living in the world, knowing the world,
is pure and clean.
All wishes come true.

Karma consequence creates an illusion.
It's as similar as the real,
this is the samsara/transmigration.
Wandering through the karma consequence
of all beings, how foolish and shrewd.

Consciousness is therefore very supportive.
Wisdom is born, able to get out of 
the temptation of the eye.
Caused boredom to relieve the desire for solitude.
Which is the quality of the Dhamma practitioner.

Practicing mindfulness
 is therefore self-development,
to get out of the status quo,
which is very difficult to realize.
All beings are involved in
their own defilements or state.

Like fish familiar with water,
which is normal,
and the worm is very familiar with rotten things.
It's hard to leave even if
there are angels coming down to see.
So are people.


