วันศุกร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2561

BIRD,FEATHER NEEDED (we need friends::) We're born to give. Giving is the basic of living, the door of goodness, prosperity.

(we need friends)

We're born to give.
Giving is the basic of living,
the door of:
goodness and prosperity.

Any: obstacles/
lacked giving continually,
ithe original cause.

May be, we already know
but not realized,
so, carelessness arise,
not heed traveling
along Middle Path.

The right giving,
is to delete greed,
 broadening the mind,
to cultivate generosity.

There are four kinds
of giving for:
sacrifice/and help.

the seed of wealth,
the virtue creates
properties to be rich.

Actually, being wealthy,
not means have much money;
it means being: fulled/
 well being of both
self and other.

Wealthy of good friends,
the most value,
good friends are integral,
as feather.. birds needed.
However, giving
is not easy.
We could not give
without observing
the Five Precepts.

The Five Precepts
keep cool the mind,
no anger or frustrate,
being compassionate.

And another is
of the mind;
which is happy and kind,
by meditation.

The three:
giving/Five Precepts/and
meditation is well known,
the Middle Path.


