Associated with
rascal is the most dangerous,
ruining the right view,
of sharing.

We can say that,
all sufferings
come from
the rascal.

The rascal,
Associated with
rascal is the most dangerous,
ruining the right view,
of sharing.
We can say that,
all sufferings
come from
the rascal.
The rascal,
is the clever person:
learnt, studied,
trained, researched,
trained, researched,
but not clean.

Who, the rascal,
could be checked with,
his/her: leading,
bad thought, bad word, bad doing.

The rascal,
external look, may be:
rich, handsome/pretty, clever,
good manner;
be careful.
Keep distance
from the rascal
the most blessing.
The rascal,
is as most people,
the one who is careless,
unaware of inner peace,
The rascal
is as death fish
flowing along stream
down to the sea,
the lower realm.
The most rascal
have wrong view,
being against sharing;
being: greedy, angry
and ignorant.
We need friends,
but keep distance wisely,
like doctor
take care patient,
or fire warmed.
The most dangerous rascal
is our own, bad habits.
So, we're born to correct it,
by creating Perfection.

Who, the rascal,
could be checked with,
his/her: leading,
bad thought, bad word, bad doing.

The rascal,
external look, may be:
rich, handsome/pretty, clever,
good manner;
be careful.
Keep distance
from the rascal
the most blessing.
The rascal,
is as most people,
the one who is careless,
unaware of inner peace,
The rascal
is as death fish
flowing along stream
down to the sea,
the lower realm.
The most rascal
have wrong view,
being against sharing;
being: greedy, angry
and ignorant.
We need friends,
but keep distance wisely,
like doctor
take care patient,
or fire warmed.
The most dangerous rascal
is our own, bad habits.
So, we're born to correct it,
by creating Perfection.