วันอังคารที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2561

SUPREME VICTORY (defeat self) :: The supreme victory is to defeat self, the most immense difficulty.

(defeat self)

The supreme victory
is to defeat self,
 the most immense

the real enemy,
is the evil habit.
The external enemy
is just agent.

creates evil,
eliminates it.

 and Barb/demerit/defilement,
fights against each other,
in our mind.

The internal war,
is real war.
 The external war
is only agent.

Defeating evil habit,
rightly defeats
external war,
  world turned into peace,

Pick a leaf,
shakes universe,
all troubles originated
by bad habit,
law of action.

Good habit,
the Perfection,
 accumulated in mind,
 supports mind.

Boon/merit and evil/demerit
alike GPS,
direct mind in:
speaking and acting.

To correct habit,
is to eradicate
with white/Boon/Perfection.

Travel along
 Middle Path,
 path of Boon,
and being patient,
 key to great victory.

Be in the bound of,
law, tradition, and moral;
 be generous, harmless, 
and kind to all.

 The evil could not
overcome the merit, at last.
Just only,be patient, means:
not fight not escape
 continue doing good.

  The victory with merit,
defeats both external
and internal.
The world comes to peace,
everyone satisfy.

Heavenly alike,
the world unified,
it's the great victory
of mankind.


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